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Sunrise Magnetic Therapy 7 Tesla Electromagnetic Strength Body Sculpting Inco...


High Effciency EMS Pelvic Floor Muscle Chair EMS Chair Pelvic Floor Muscle Repair Recovery EMS Magic Chair Machine

The professional EMS pelvic floor muscle chair, EMS Magic Chair, subverts the traditional treatment of urinary incontinence.

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magnetic ring machine/magneto ring machine


New Super Inductive System EMS Shockwave Therapy Pain Reduction Bone and Muscle Pain Relief

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Focused wave massag Shockwave


Shock Wave Physical Ultrasound Therapy Shockwave Physiotherapy Equipments Shockwave Pain Relief Machine

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Mini Emsella


Pelvic magnetic therapy can increase the activity of protease, promote cell metabolism, improve blood circulation in muscle tissue, strengthen the permeation regulation of endocrine hormones, and reduce the production and diffusion of pain-inducing substances. The main functions of the device are anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regulation of neuromuscular
function, improvement of muscle strength and tension, aiding in the recovery of postpartum pelvic floor diseases. The pelvic magnetic therapy chair not only treats pelvic pain issues but also aids in the treatment and   recovery of postpartum urinary incontinence, difficulty urinating, fecal incontinence, constipation, vaginal relaxation, pelvic nerve aging, sacral
nerve Product Theoryinjury, gastrointestinal disorders, pelvic pain, prostatitis, male erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, childhood enuresis, muscle pain, nerve pain, and obesity.

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Focus shockwaves


Welcome to choose the  latest  product  of our  company,  Focus  shockwaves focused  shock  wave  machine.  The  core  technology  of  this  machine  is  the integrated piezoelectric shock wave source. The shock wave generated by the piezoelectric shock wave source is focused and acts on the affected area for treatment. Different heights of silicone pad probes can be replaced to achieve multiple penetration depths and directly reach the lesion site, realizing the dual guarantee of treatment depth and accuracy. Focus shockwaves focused shock wave  is  a  physical  therapy.  This  therapy   is  safe,  effective,   non-invasive, accurately targeted, and has deep penetration. Therefore, it is also known as a "green therapy" and has been widely used as the preferred therapy for treating chronic pain, calcification and tendon damage in the musculoskeletal system.     Before  use,  be  sure  to  read  the  instruction  manual  carefully  and  use  it  in accordance with the instructions.

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